Tag Archives: millipede

Fieldwork in Japan (part 2)

In Tsukuba, which is about 50 km northeast of Tokyo, we met Tsutomu and his student Ryosuke Kuwahara. I really enjoyed meeting Ryosuke because he’s very enthusiastic about natural history and takes wonderful photographs of xystodesmid millipedes (here’s a link … Continue reading

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Fieldwork in Japan (part 3)

We hopped back on the train to the Narita Airport and flew to Kumamoto Prefecture where Tsutomu teaches at Kumamoto University. At the airport, we met Tsutomu’s student Taiki Kato who is studying pill millipedes, including Hyleoglomeris. Taiki plans to … Continue reading

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Fieldwork in Japan (part 4)

The last day of collecting, we hopped on a ferry and crossed the Ariake Sea to Mount Unzen in Nagasaki Prefecture. Mount Unzen, known for its violent eruptions, had its last activity between 1991 to 1994 when numerous pyroclastic flows … Continue reading

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The extinct millipede Arthropleura was a giant at 6 feet long and 20 inches wide. These behemoths were the largest terrestrial arthropod to have walked on land. Fossilized in 300 million year old rocks in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Appalachia, you … Continue reading

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