Tiny scelionid wasp

Parasitic wasp in the family Scelionidae (Telenomus Gryon sp.) Thanks István!  😉

James Wilson, graduate student here in the Department of Entomology at Virginia Tech working in Tom Kuhar’s Vegetable Entomology Lab, recently visited our lab with some of his parasitic wasps. This is an image of an unidentified species of Telenomus Gryon reared from stink bug eggs that we captured with our new microphotography system. It’s a tiny little thing, about 1 mm long!
(Canon 6D, 65 mm lens, 4x, 1/125s, f5.6 – stack of 10 images)

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2 Responses to Tiny scelionid wasp

  1. Tim McCoy says:

    Outstanding image! I love the crested seam along the edge of the abdomen.

  2. István Mikó says:

    I think this wasp is a Gryon specimen.

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